Saturday, November 30, 2013

Sing Me a Lullaby

Usually Mom rocks me on her shoulder at night and sings to me a lullaby until I fall asleep. Tonight, it is Dad's turn.

Good night!!

Princess on the Pillow

When you are a princess, there's no need to sit on the kitty condo. Not when you can lounge on a plush pillow with a front row view of the t.v. 

Saturday Morning is the third day of a long, four-day weekend. Mom is sleeping in this morning. She is starting to feel better from her cold. I check in on her every now and then and wait patiently for her to wake up. Finally I settle down on the bed next to her. I too shall sleep in. She stirs and then rises up out of bed. Finally!! A warm spot where she once was. And it is ALL mine.

Friday, November 29, 2013


Before Mom went shopping today! I made her give me a hug.

I love spending my weekend mornings with her...arms wrapped around her neck. I could nap like this all day!

A Warm Lap

When Mom's lap is not readily available, Dad's lap is a nice, warm substitute.

It sure beats the cat condo. But--oh, Mom is on the couch now. Time to migrate.


We haven't seen a birdie 'round here. (Hiccup)

Shopping FAIL

All day shopping and Mom comes home with a bunch of shoes?!? least I get to sit on a shoebox lid. I will try this for height.

Black and White Friday

Sitting on my Mom waiting for her to wake up to go shopping!!! I shall sit at home and avoid the madness while she is out and about.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

The Queen Treatment

A cute cat like me rarely has to break a sweat to move about the house. Why when my Mom and Dad carries me everywhere I need to go? From the licking room to the kitchen...and upstairs to bed at night. Ahh...the life of a Queen!