Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Oh Christmas Tree

I helped my Dad and Mom decorate the Christmas tree.
I tried on some tin boxes for size.  Well...it doesn't quite fit me but I think it's...pretty close!

While Elgy took a nap I checked that the stockings were hung and ready.
Now all I have left to do is be a good girl and wait for Santa!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

I am dreaming of a White Christmas

Let It snow...let it snow...let it snow so we can have a white Christmas! 

Soon it will be Christmas Day!!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Happy Friday

We love Friday evenings!! Because we to spend the evening cuddling with Mom!!

And sit on Momma's lap!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Thursday Evening

Mom came home late from her class which is expected two nights a week. She has one week left to go until finals and then she will be ALL ours! For now, I am really happy to see her.

Can you tell I am excited?

Monday, December 2, 2013

The Second Day of Christmas

It is Monday and time for Mom to go back to work after a nice, long four day weekend. With an "ar-rare ow" (which means "water" for those of you who don't know) I command her to open the faucet so I could sip the ice cold liquid trickling down into the basin of the sink.

I have my choice of fresh water in my water bowl and from her cup but I like the water from the faucet the best.

After work Mom and Dad came home to play with us. Oh we have missed them so!! My favorite place to play is the landing halfway up the stairs! I like to surprise Mom and Dad on their way down. Peek-a-boo!!

And roll around on the landing until I get belly rubs and kisses.

Then I sit next to Dad in the evening and keep him company.

Or we hang out in the kitchen while Mom cooks dinner.

What a nice day of Christmas!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

The First Day of Christmas

I gave to my true love, a cat in a kitchen cabinet. Dad was really surprised when he opened the doors to find me!

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Sing Me a Lullaby

Usually Mom rocks me on her shoulder at night and sings to me a lullaby until I fall asleep. Tonight, it is Dad's turn.

Good night!!

Princess on the Pillow

When you are a princess, there's no need to sit on the kitty condo. Not when you can lounge on a plush pillow with a front row view of the t.v. 

Saturday Morning

Ah...it is the third day of a long, four-day weekend. Mom is sleeping in this morning. She is starting to feel better from her cold. I check in on her every now and then and wait patiently for her to wake up. Finally I settle down on the bed next to her. I too shall sleep in. She stirs and then rises up out of bed. Finally!! A warm spot where she once was. And it is ALL mine.

Friday, November 29, 2013


Before Mom went shopping today! I made her give me a hug.

I love spending my weekend mornings with her...arms wrapped around her neck. I could nap like this all day!

A Warm Lap

When Mom's lap is not readily available, Dad's lap is a nice, warm substitute.

It sure beats the cat condo. But--oh, Mom is on the couch now. Time to migrate.


We haven't seen a birdie 'round here. (Hiccup)

Shopping FAIL

All day shopping and Mom comes home with a bunch of shoes?!? Hmmm...at least I get to sit on a shoebox lid. I will try this for height.

Black and White Friday

Sitting on my Mom waiting for her to wake up to go shopping!!! I shall sit at home and avoid the madness while she is out and about.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

The Queen Treatment

A cute cat like me rarely has to break a sweat to move about the house. Why when my Mom and Dad carries me everywhere I need to go? From the licking room to the kitchen...and upstairs to bed at night. Ahh...the life of a Queen!

Monday, October 28, 2013

A Wee Bit Taller

One of my favorite places to sit and play is on the second step of the stairs. It makes me feel tall like my Mom and Dad...even if I am only three feet taller.
I roll around and twist for them which never fails to get, remarks like "Awe...!" and "She's SO CUTE!!"

Sometimes I will put on a fashion show! Oh...I am too sexy for my fur!!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Morning Routine

How wonderful it is to have the entire California King bed mostly to myself. My Mom rises out of bed and grabs her lower back. I hear her mumble about how she twists herself throughout the night to make room for me and so as to not disturb me while I sleep. How nice of her to sacrifice her comfort for me.

My morning routine starts with a stretch on the bathroom counter as my Mom gets ready for work.

I lie here and watch her. She looks nothing like me. Funny how she spends so much time grooming in front of the mirror. I suppose I am lucky because I always look absolutely purrfect and I don't even have to lift a paw!

If it is my Mom's lucky day, I will give her a hug before she leaves for work. Then I shall go back to the warm bed for a nice, long nap.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Sunbathing in Winter

It is ice cold outside, I know...but I must have some fresh air and spend time in the sunshine each day out on the deck upstairs. I just close my eyes and imagine I am in Maui sipping a piƱa colada garnished with a fresh slice of sweet pineapple.