Monday, October 28, 2013

A Wee Bit Taller

One of my favorite places to sit and play is on the second step of the stairs. It makes me feel tall like my Mom and Dad...even if I am only three feet taller.
I roll around and twist for them which never fails to get, remarks like "Awe...!" and "She's SO CUTE!!"

Sometimes I will put on a fashion show! Oh...I am too sexy for my fur!!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Morning Routine

How wonderful it is to have the entire California King bed mostly to myself. My Mom rises out of bed and grabs her lower back. I hear her mumble about how she twists herself throughout the night to make room for me and so as to not disturb me while I sleep. How nice of her to sacrifice her comfort for me.

My morning routine starts with a stretch on the bathroom counter as my Mom gets ready for work.

I lie here and watch her. She looks nothing like me. Funny how she spends so much time grooming in front of the mirror. I suppose I am lucky because I always look absolutely purrfect and I don't even have to lift a paw!

If it is my Mom's lucky day, I will give her a hug before she leaves for work. Then I shall go back to the warm bed for a nice, long nap.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Sunbathing in Winter

It is ice cold outside, I know...but I must have some fresh air and spend time in the sunshine each day out on the deck upstairs. I just close my eyes and imagine I am in Maui sipping a piƱa colada garnished with a fresh slice of sweet pineapple.